Celebrating Easter in PR and Advertising

Right up there with Christmas, Easter is one of the biggest holidays of the year. Being such an important event for many people across the world, it comes inherently packaged with strong emotions of all kinds: be it love or happiness, or maybe even piety. This is a great opportunity for many companies to get […]

From the First Lady of the USA, to a small start-up, everyone has a story to tell. Image source: short URL

How to Sell Your Story in Marketing

Nowadays, we can sell almost anything, anywhere in the world. But have you ever thought about selling your story? Customers want to know they are making the right decision with each purchase. Usually people make decision based on feelings and instincts that you can’t address with a bullet point or sales brochures. For marketers, storytelling […]

Why Slogans Are so Important in Marketing

  Words change meanings. This is the reason why a slogan is not just a tag line that advertisers create: they play a strategic role. In the long run, good slogans ”play” with customer’s minds, making them believe your product is reliable. A good slogan capture the essence of your brand‘s promised customer benefit in […]