Happy Holidays!

The Christmas Spirit in Advertising

It’s safe to say that Christmas is the most awaited time of year for everyone, young or old. The holidays push us all to try and become better and to be more affectionate to the people around us.

During this season adverts are powerful things: they make us laugh, they make us cry and, sometimes, they make us spend our hard-earned cash on things we later wonder if we even needed in the first place.

But making a Christmas commercial is tremendously hard because of the competition. Why? Because there is no copyright on Christmas. Everybody can use tinsel and snow, and brands will capitalize on these symbols in order to promote themselves.

The challenge here is to serve up all these things in a different way. Originality is very hard thing to come by at this time of year, but not impossible.

Here are some of the best Christmas ads from 2016. Enjoy and Happy Holidays!